
Report Detail

Publication Date: March 1, 2006
Purchase Price: $4,750.00
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European Markets for Spinal Fusion Products

Spinal disorders include more than 150 diseases and syndromes and are the most frequent cause of disability in Europe. Although spinal damage can be congenital or acquired through adverse events and trauma, cancer metastases, or osteoporosis, the majority of impairment results from degenerative disc disease (DDD). Degenerative disc disease affects the intervertebral discs and typically is caused by gradual disc damage due to natural wear and tear over the course of a lifetime that commonly results in disc herniation and chronic, debilitating lower back pain. The incidence of spinal disorders increases with age, regardless of socioeconomic group. Degenerative disc disease is most common among otherwise healthy people in their 30s or 40s.


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