
Report Detail

Publication Date: May 1, 2002
Purchase Price: $4,750.00
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U.S. Markets for Incontinence Management Products

Urinary incontinence (UI) affects approximately 15 to 16 million Americans; of these, 85% are women. In the United States (U.S.), 1 in 4 women between the ages of 30 and 59 has experienced an episode of UI, and approximately half of the elderly in the U.S. have episodes of UI. Although research indicates that UI can be improved in 8 out of 10 cases through the use of rehabilitation and behavioral therapies, drugs, or in selected cases, surgery, it is estimated that fewer than half of the individuals afflicted with UI ever seek medical treatment for the condition.

Due to the size of both current and potential UI markets, medical professionals and product manufacturers have placed significant emphasis on research into the diagnosis and treatment of this condition, which has resulted in the development of several new therapies and approaches that could potentially delay UI symptoms for several years in some patients and
even cure others. As UI represents a quality-of-life issue—rather than a life-threatening condition—any emerging diagnostic and therapeutic options must be relatively cost effective and minimally invasive to be considered for broad adoption. There are a number of new pharmaceuticals and devices that meet these criteria and may have significant potential in treating UI patients.

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